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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  January 1, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EST

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bmore fireworks naas nattbaltimore rings in another laws....and a last minute deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. 3 3 tuesday, january first... 20113!happy new year!!!!
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3 3& same ssx couples usher in th new a newwlweds! newlyweds!startiig oday... new year's day will haae new meaning...who finally have the right to marry. city hall... any couplesssaid " i do" gaa marriage offically becomes stephanie rawlings -blake officiated the ceremony for a couple who had been ttgether for 30 years.she says... it
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wassan eeotional night. incredibly meeningful night... there are so mmny people who 3 have a chhnceenow to havv the life they've wanted for them chose equality over hate. hate. same-ssx couples in maayland have eee able to get parriage licenses since pecember 6th, but they did not take ffect until this morning. 3 - in the eleventh hour.... the senate passes a bill to 89-8 vote. ppesident n "the right thing to doofor our country" as patti ann browne reports... now the legislation moves on to the house where it's future remains uncertain. (pkg) senate lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in avor of leggslatn to avert the fissal cliif.. vicee president joe biden in a vvsit toothe capitol monday pnghtt..explaining the pact he pegotiated with senate minority leader mitcc
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mcconnnll. prior to thhe he felt confident about the d - deaa but stayed aaay from making any firm predictions. vice president biden "...having been in the sennte as long as i have, there's two things you ssouldn't do: you &psenate's oing to vote before lot of money. and number two: you surely shouldn't redict how the house is goong to vote. but i ffellvery, very good..." i passed by theehouse, the deal would sttp mostttax increasee and spending cuts aimed at the pentagon andddomestic reid / (d-nv)"...i've said all along the ost important priority is to protect middle class families. this class families will wake up today to the asurrnce that their taxes wwn't go up..." democratic senator tom sen. tom harkin / (d-ia)" doessnot address numbee onn class jobs now // secondly, for tte countryyto meet its needs..." republican senate minority leader mitch got everything it wanttd.sen. mitch mcconnell (r-ky) / minority leaddr" it took an imperfect solution to prevent our onstituents from very real financial pain. but in my view, it was worth the effort..."(anchor tag) the republican-controlled &phouse is expected to begin
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consiiering tte bill latee today. a final vote s expected in the next day rr two, passage is not at all certain. in new york, patti ann browne, fox ews. pt's not just the iscal cliff... awmaaers also have ceiling.the u-s reacced it's 16-point-4 trillion dollars yesterday.the treasury departmmnt is taking measuues to buu ime until the end of februaryythey include... suspending someeinvestments in benefit funds for federal treasury will not be ble to pay all of the country's bills in full... and on time. &praising the debt ceiling... s
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fight on capital hhll. &in westmiister... a 78-year car crashed into carroll hiss hospital center. it happened about 8::5 monday morning. deputies sayythomas carl skipper junior. suffered a medical emergency and craahed his vehicle into the sleep center at the hospital. skipper was prrnounced dead at the hospital emergency rooo. heewassalone in his ar and no ooe elss was injured.tte ccash is under investigation. the an who was pushed in ffoot of an onccming newwyork city subway train, last week... is laid to and friends gaaheeed to remember when police say 31-year-old erika menendez pushed hhmmonto the tracks because of his ethnncity.she is harged with murder as a hate crime and is unddrggingga psychiatric evaluation. coasttggaad crews are working to keep an oil drilling rrg frrm running aground off the
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coast of alaska. alaska.crews of two royal dutch shell tuu boats were the drilling rig on onday. high wwnd gusts, up to 60 miles-an-hour onnmonday night. tte crew had finished drillingg operations in the beaufort sea in octobee and was headed to itsswinter home, when the tug boat towing it lost ower. a georgia woman ffces charges after she allegedly hit a walmart parking ssace.angela police sayyshe got into an r argument with a 11-year-old girl who as savingga spot for told the teen to move s she pulled inno the pace,,tten the girl leaned against the s-u-v and started yeeling.but, police say tte wwlmart security camera videooshowed cornett sttiking the girl wwtt "she told her to move and then she pulled into the parking spot aan hht her with the tire of the vehicle." "they did sse scuff marks on the victim's kkee, which was the ttre during that incident.. incident."the teen wassnot
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serioussy hurt.cornett is charged with mmsdemeanor reckless conddctt baltimore rings in the new year... ii style... and in safe. safety.bmore fireworks nats natsnewwyyar'ssviooence has become a tradition here in the ciiy... but last niggt... was thankkully a eaceful one. 5.....4.....3...........1 happy new yearr 3 year!innnew york and around 20013..housands of people crowded in times square to watch the crystal-coveeed ball drop.this year, among the one ton of confetti dropped on the crowd at midnighttwere ffnss' clark...loontime host of the cellbration who passed away in nats
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and in atlanta thousands gathered or annual peach the strooe of midnight. 5........4...........3.......... .... fireworks/bells tolling and riggt across the ond ... london'sseye to ring ii the new year!!he display lasted about 11 minutes...and feetured over 12-thousand fireworks. that brrngs us to our question we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. foo-baatimore dot com and tell through facebook or send us a - you can become.. ourrfan of - the day! eveeyday we'll pick one of our vieeers from our facebook page... and feature them on foox5 news at become a fan just go to our facebook
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page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. 20122.. wasn't a good yyar at the pump. puup.the recorddamouut you were payingand the main reason behind the spike. plus the scientific reason pehiid recess... being beneficial to your kids!you're wwtching , hi.
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we're spreading the word about honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake.
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two flavors. in harmony. honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. local.. all morning.. ((break 1))) 3 thh new year's ddy party impulse is hosting an all day liie dance party.tahirah &ppowery from creative impulle is streaming now with this mornings hometown hotsppo. - what line daaces will we learn today?- what iss
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the cost?- cca youushow uu some of the line dances? dances? 3 the nee year line danceeparty isstoday from 2:00
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p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the creative impulse dance studio. baltimore dot com slashh 3 p,ming up... - 3
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commig up... recess.. .isn'ttjust about play for your kids!the scientic eason why reseachers say... it's necessary. and vvolence rings out in many people were illed... after gun fire erupts at a new year's eve cellbratiinn you're patching
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my wife takes centrum silver. i've been on the fence about it. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact
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and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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and the active ingredient relieves your cough. new this morning... a boston lawyyrrsays he is working oo a settlement with the staffing kwiatkowski to new hampshire, where the hospittl technician patients with hepatitis c. kwiatkowski, is accused of stealing painkillers and repllcing them wwth syringes tainted with his own blood. he worked at johns hopkins hospital... in the cardiac catheterization lab froo july 2009 toojanuary 2010. as we closed out 2012 in baltimore... one number rrnns out... the murder count.there compared to 197 in all of 2011. the new yeaa briigs violence in sacramento, california... where two people were killed and three others injuree. show... when gunfire erupted.i
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officers rushed to close-off the crimm scene... and tte midnight celebratioo was word oo what prompted the shooting... or a suupect. even though gas prrces never in 2000... gas prices.. on back average... forr2012 were the highest ever.the nationwide average prices foo a ggllln of that's up 9 cents from the previous reccrd set in 2011. triple- a blamesshurricanes.. refinery outtges anddtensions in the middle east for the hhgh prrces.despite priies of mooe than 4 dollars a gallon paak in 2008... the average priie that year was just 3-25. psk kids what is their favorite part of school...ann most woold respond...recess. well now--- science is backing that uu.the american academy of pediatriis sas recess is an integral part of the school ddy and stresses it should nnver be taken away assa punishment. the timeeis essential for kids recharging their brains.and because kids
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lives are áso structuued today... unstructured ...ásupervisedá play is &pimporrtnt for creativity and &poming up... a good ear for many billions of dollarss theaters! 3 let's play:
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[ all ] who's new in the fridge! our mystery guest: ensure complete... you support bones? [ ding! ] i've got calcium and vitamin d. oh! immune system. [ ding! ] one word: antioxidants.
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heart health? [ ding! ] my omega 3s never skip a beat. how 'bout muscles? [ ding! ] i have protein and revigor to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. [ ding! ding! ding! ] that's a winner! ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] ensure complete. nutrition in charge. [ majorwe perfected the pastrami sandwich -- [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh.
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3 painttng the ttwn baltimore is celebratinggthe start of the ravens playoff run. tonight on fox 45 newssat five. 3 3
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3 t'ssthe daa... many same sex couples in marylann have bben waiting ffr! for!thhy're unions are ow pfficially recognized bb thee city hall... many ttey ushered in the new year. brigitte ronnett and lisa walther have been together for 22 yearr.tte couple met back in 1990... and say they've seen the ppogession of gay rights and are veryy appreciative to mmryland vottrs. (b) so thrilled we have thh legal riggt... and societal recognntion(l) we appreciatee the citizen of parylann...being able allow ussthis mo monine states and the districc of olumbia haae approved same-sex marriagg. other han same sex marriage... other laws also goo iito effect today. today.aanee law to protect
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phildren from iddntitt theft in .... alloos parents to freeze theirrchild's credii at time.veterans will now be able have tteir veteran statuss shown on their driver's license. license.and another eassre toohelp keep toxins out of the chesapeakeebay. secretary of staae hillary &pfull reeovery...after being - in her head. for a blood clot head. it's located in a vein ii thh space between the brainn and the skull behind the right eaa. clinton's doctors say that to help dissolve the clot, they are treating her with blood thinners. they say she will be eleased once the medication dose has een estaalished. p it's been an the year bringing to pight more details in a sexual abuse case spanning more ttan a decade... and uncovering the not so covert pide of the c-i-a. aathel nevilll breaks down (neville on cammtag) infidelity...abuse...and tax dollars thhown out the door...twenty-twelve was full of scandalous headlinnsa"a& -& caught in the middle. not even
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were immune. frommc-i-a tour-de-france to tour de shame! lance armstrong's name is taanished over doping por much of his cycling career. he is stripped of all 7 pttles. hulk hogan gets his hanns outtide the ring. his sex tape going viral this year. from a-to-z to infamyy elmo puppeteer pevin clash resigning after 28 witt underage boys. ann nine-nine-nine... all butt forgotten. herman cain ending a presidential bid...sayinggcheatiig rumors former californii governor came backk- with even morr details to his very public cheating scandala"aa& pdmitting to multiple affairs. get enough of kriiten stewart's reel life trysts. &p the 22 year old admittee getting too cozzy with married director rupert sanders. john travolta rubbeddthe wrong way with a massage sccndal of his owna"a& after two aal therapists filee laasuits claiming sexual &passault. and the papprazzi getting, well, up close and persooal, with a 3&mi of theemost infamous cases of sexual abuse. former
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penn statt assistant coach jerrr sandusky recieves a sentence of at least 30 years in jail for sexually abusing yyong boys. the latt jimmy savile of thh b-b-c accused of abusing girls he helpee with his popular t-v show. and the secreet servicc gone wild -- as aa for hiring prostitutes duringg a pressdential trip tt colombia. a difficult year for business leeders, as well.dimon says: "we made a pistake. iiam absolutely responsible." the chief execctive of barclays bob diamond - steps ddwn after allegedly manipulattig &pinteresttrates. . and a yahoo c-e-o resigning ffr fflsifying academic credentials. but what could be more scandalous then thh world of politics? illinois congressman jessie jacksonnjunior goes m-i-a ffr several months.. it's lattr discovered he's receiving treatment for bippoar depressionn fedeeal authorities are looking into skimming campaign funds to - ccngressman later resigns. pccused of wasting your tax doolars a"aa& this worker raps about how he dreams of being the commissioner ann wasting the
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boonses to his ffllow bureaucrats. holler says: "today's vote s he regrettable culmination of polittcally motivated investigation during an electiin year." and for &pthe first time in history- a sitting attorney general, held after reffsing to release more documents into the botched operrtion "fast and furious." the obamaaadminstration, coming under even more scrutiny over aaseptembbr eleveeth terror attacc at the u-s connulate in benghazi, that killld aau-s aabassador. us ambassador to the uu it to a spontaneous upriiing - and now congressiinal leaders 3 in both partiessare demanning answers. aad likely thh the year...thrrwing ameriiaas national scurity into crisis. former c-i-a director over an affair with his it'sslater revealed that he ttp u-s general in afghanistan john allen - ii under invvetiiatiin for "inapproppiate communicction" with socialite jill kelley. but theeintermingling doesn't stop there .. entire investiggtion ii ttii himself accused of senning this picture kelley. he later says it was emailed s a joke.(neville on cam tag)
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yes, 2012 was the year of &pfalllng from grace for many o these personalitiis. and in the digital worll we live in, the questton for 20-13 is not so much what the scandal will in new york, i'm arrhel neville, fox news.
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a suspected crook in spokaae, wassinggon... essed with tte prong mmn! man!corporal alex pohle.. who issa marine ...and his wife rettrned home from a quick shopping trip to find... the front door of his pareets' home kkcked in.once he eetered hh home... he caaght the handee.... with bag of jewelry and hunting gear. deploymenttin affhanistan.... 3 used his mariie training... to take he would-be burglar down. i wrestled with him a littlee was running i tackled him and i three him to tte ground and uh we wrestled therr for a little bit and uh i subdued him. when i took him to thee
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ground, it kinda kickkd into ppt him in a headlocc and, bbood choke and i put my knee on his head, everything kicked . in.the susppct, who has lengthy criminal historr, faaes a charge of rrsidential burgllry. droves this ast year, with in - ticket anallst a number of high-profile iionmaa, superran, star trek and hunger games films. still ahead...shoccing video out of brazil... brazil...the urn of events that prompttd the rescue crew on thhs be peecued.. themselves. you're watching fox 45 morning newss. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((bump in))
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unbelievable video out of rio de janeiro.....where a helicopter i seen craahing into the ocean... just inches nnar swimmers.tth fire
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deeartment chopper with three flying back to shore... after rescuing a swimmer.... who had gone too far out to seaa rescuurs... had to be rescced themselves... after the helicopter lades seemed to (toss to weather))d minor - - 3
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((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 good year attthe pump.asn't a were payingand the main reasonn &pbehind he spike. and we're not done with when lawmakers will l cliff. reconvene... tt finish the're watching
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new this morning...even though gas prices never went higher than they did baak in 2008... gas prices.. on average... for 2012 were the highest evvr.the nationwide average prices for a gallon of regular hit 3-60 this year... that's up 9 cents in 2011.triple--a bbamms set - hurricanes...refineey outages and tensions in the middlee east for he high prices. despiie prices oo more than 4 2008... the average rice that
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year waa just 3-25. slick roads and icy conditioos are makiig it tough for driverssin kansas city, missouri.police are reporting several crashes and numerous cars sliding off the roads. light snow and flurries are expeettd to continue throughout the night, withh temperatures falling into the teens. drivers are being conditions. avoii icy - a ew study shows pill size... hape and color directly influences whether patience wiil take the meddcatton.researchers at a boston hospital traaked prescriptions for several some paaients who received d generic drugs varying in colorr were mooe than 50--ercent likely to stop taking them. generic drugs must have the brand-name versions, despite how different they mmy llok. experts say it's not the colorr of the pill, but what's inside
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that counts. lawmakers missed the deadline yesterday and the u.s officiallyy ent over the so-callld fiscal cliff but a deal between the whitt house and senate republicann was evvntually reached arrund two o'clock this morning . ut theemission is not cooplete just yyt and rene marsh is ive n wassington dc to tell us whats next. 3 3 3 3 3 p,3 p3 3 3 3 3 3 3 up question-- 1) whht was the pressdenn's 1) what was the up quession-- suggested follow-up president's responne following last
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members of tte house of representatives giving any indicatioo about whethhr they will pass the measure too?
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pmericans spent at the ovies...- theaters! but first...a new study reveals what couples fight about the most..and it's not that's beeiid the mmjority of &pwatthing fox 45 morning news. aal local.. all morning. ((break 7)) 3
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(((uup in))
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what do couples fiiht about the most??money comes to shopsmart survey findd almost 40 percent of couples fight more about messes! hereeare some new tools that can help clean up cluttee and maybe keep theepeace, too! too! toos strewn acrosssthe floor. dreesers overflowing with unfolded clothes. clutttred kitchen drraers. (v/o)that's where professional organizer rescue. (sot: collettt shine)"a good eneral 3 3& control.clutter unddr &pgetting our long waa to item can go a juss a few handy (v/o) (natsot: music) iiy pouch. &peverything's in a a drawstrin and dollars, you pull play mat for 65 with the lay-n-go over tiny toys? tirrd of stepping (v/o)whole pile."messinn upp the out without and you cann
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pull it lined up in a row, your t-systemmcomes that the - pllio it nto a little box and then you tuuk over that card "you fold he itee (sot: sue perry) dollars.from pliio for 50 ccothing filers theee from 0 to different sizessii in different sizes ranging s - from 10 to 50 dollars.wouldd you likk to banish messy these cool clothing fillrs der from pliioofor 50 dollars. (sot: sse perry)"you fold the item over that card and then you tuck it into a little row, and you an pull it out without meesing up the wholee pile."(v/o)tired of stepping ovvr tiny toos??with the layynn-o playymat for 65 and everything's in a tidy pouch. (natsot: music) (v/o) just a few handyyitems can go a long way to getting your cluuter under ontrol.. shopsmart also asked couples who's theemessiest? 39-percent of men say tthy are. the nuuber was lower for wooen, but still siiable - 26 percent. ann what are the tto out-of-place things thaa drive people theecraziest? bills and
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&pkeys. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... hugh hefner... walks down the aasse...again!but find out why so many people believed... it woulddnever happen! and violence rings out in many people were killld... after gun fire erupts at a new yyar's eve cclebration. &pbmore ffreworks nats
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natsbaltimore rinns in nother
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and with t comes.. new laws... and a last minute deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. 3 3 happy ew year!january 1st 2013 p,3
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2013 is officially here... and including the leglizatiin of same see marriage here in maryl. maryland.tte mayor was n hand to perform the first same sex clock struck midnight. midnight.there yoo go you may
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kissladies and gentlemen i am marriage partners for ife life james scales and william taskkr were the first same sex couple to bee legally married in baltimore. ssales says that he can hardly believe that he is finally marrying his parrner of 35 02:13316 we've had good times and bad times and looking forward to what comes next nd its nice to know ill hav ea pprtner for the rest of our liv. lives. scales has worked for the baltimooe mayor's office for 25 years. aae-sex couples in maryland havv been able to get marriage licenses siice decemberr6th but they did ot take effect uutil todayy
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nine statee and the district of columbia have legaaized samm-sex marriage. 3 a fiscaa cliff deal... heads to the house for ffnal approval. sennte overwheeming approvee a laat- minute package that woold keep the expiring buuh- era tax cuts in place for individuals earning less than 400-thousand dollars... or couplessmaking less than 450- thousand dollarr a ear. pice resident joe biden delivered the news of a deal &pto democcratic lawmakers. cuts for two months, extends unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless, prevenns a 27 percent cut in fees for docttrs who treat medicare patienns and prevents a spike last-minute addition would plso prevent a pay raise for mmmbers f congress from taking effect in march. they finally reached an agreement. &phole sot: working throogh the deal.... ..... this legislation does that 3
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&pwe'vv done ooe ggod for the country.... hrough... repuccibans areeready for for the house is expeeted tt vote on the proposal either today or tomorroo. it's not just the fiscal cliff... lawmakers also have to worry abbut the debt legal borrowing limit of 16-point-4 trillion dollarr yesterday.tte treasury department is taking measuree februury.they include... of suspending some investmenns in bbnefit funds for federal workers.but after that... the treasurr will not be able to pay all of the country's bills
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in full... and on time. &pcongress woulddhave toovott setting the stage for another - fight on capital hill. as we loseddout 2012 in baltimore... one number rings out... the murder count.theee were 216 homicides.... compaaed to 197 in all of 2011. 3ther'es no question... 20012 was more violent in the city of baltimore.paullgessler has more on how community leaderss are rememberiig the city's homicide victims. victims. ((eeding names)assbaltimore year...(names)commuuity leaders look back at the bloodshed of 20-12.(nnmee)216 readinggnames "floyd dorsey,, 559-that's my cousin-- michael violence... and part of tte city's rooing homicide rate. commissioner anthony atts,, baltimore city police:"too
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too many rothers, too many many people of color nd non-cclor losing their lives." daphne alsson,,mother of at them liie they're animals? whh do we think thhttthey were just bad people?"women like daphne alston come to this victim:"you could lose them in - a car accidenn, but it's the yoong hummn being. these kids have no respecttfor human llfe we've lost o violence on ttee streets are sons, daughters, faahers. their loss is tragii to their families and to this city."(nnmes rom other guu) gardnel carter, saae streett:"life is acced. itts something should never bb given bbck.""names) commissionnr anthony batts, peopll had names. they had dreams. they had assirations." (names)(candle burns out) &p last night... was he fourth
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annual anti--homicide campaign &pvigil on the sttps of the war memorial. baltimore rings in the new year... innstyle... and in safe. natsnew year's violence has become a tradition here in the city... but ast night... was thankfully peaceful one. city police stepped up secuuity... not only in the inner harroo but in neighborhoods across the city. police were on oot... in cars... andd...watching witt cameras.out of the six hundrrd hundred of them are's part of a new crowd control tactic that was rolled out overrthee ummer. 6:44:10 and it really allows fo exit and entry points t also alloossfor post event traffic on pratt street reaa issue :21 &p:21 many of tte taatics sed last night by policeecooe as a result of past cclebbrtioossat the harbor... wwerr people were being seriously injuued. in ew yorkkand around the
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world, people welcomed in 20-13. 22013. 5.....4.....3.....2.....1 happy new year! watchhthe crystal-covereddball . drop.this ear, among the one too offconfetti dropped on the crowd att midnight were fans' messagess to the late dick clark... lonntime host of the celebrrtioo who passed aaay in april. since many parents knew their childrennwould be asleep when the baal droppedd...some kids at portt the new year in their own way. ---------happy new year cheer--- thh interactive mussum foo kids held a "noontime news years superhero children were ble to dress as the ffvorite superhero, whiie
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jamming to mussc and making poise makees for the big event. a day... that kkds and even parentt... enjoyed. "you know its one of our pusiest days of the year but its also one offour happiest days of the year everyooeejust kids that great new years experience eeeryone has a great time." time." kids also aatt.. and a juice and cookies toast. looks like 20-12 was record year for... movies!movie &pgoers... went to theaters in droves this past year, with almost 11-bbllionnbucks in analyst petter.a numbbr of high- profile sequell are set to hit theaters, including thor, pronman, superman, star trek and hunger games films.
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are you our biggest fan?then the aa! . our fan of everyday we'll pick one of our viewers from our faccbook page... and feeture themmon fox45 newssat become a &pfannjust go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimooe. coming up... plank your way to fitness. many you needdto do to starttto see aa ifference. difference. you're watching fox 45 mmrniig news.. all llcal.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3
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year a married mann.. after ee wedddngg26 year old crrstal harris at the playboy mansion. not everyone was sure the ceremony would happen.. becaase harris called off her first planned wedding tt hefner back in 2011 just days before it wasssupppsed to
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haapen.this is hefner's 3rd marriage.her first. 3 3 3 gross 3
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still ahead.. true or false? should you driik coffee to try pnd sober up?we separate hanngver cure fact froo fiction. and oogy into the new year. where you can go today to burn off all those holiday calories... and have fun all at the same time.
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news...all local.. all mornnng. ((break 2)) 3
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new ttis morniig... theenew sacrammnto, caaifornia...where two people were killed ann thrre others injured. 40-thouuaad people gathered in old sacramento for a fireworks show... when gunfire erupted. officers rushed to close-oof the crime cene... and the midniggt ceeebration was word on what prompted the shoootng... or a suspect. 3even thoughhgaa prices never went higher than they did back in 2008... gas prices.. on averaae... for 2012 were te highest ever.the nationwide average prices for galloo of reguuar hit 3-60 this yearr.. that's up 9 cents from the previous record set in 2011. triple- a blames hurricanes..
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pn the middle east for the high prices.despitt prices of back in 2008... the average n price that year was just 3-25. a new study shows pill size... shape and color directly influences whether patienceewill take the medication.researchers at a bostoo hospital tracked different drugs.they noticed some patients who received &pwwre more than 500percent or - likely to stop taking them. gennric drugs mustthavv the same dosage ssrength as the how differrnt they may look. of the pill, but what's insidee that counts. if you danced ll night... you can dance all day!creative pmpulse is hostinn an all dayy line dance party.tahirah bowery from creative impulse is streaming now with this mornings hometown hotspot.-
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will we learn today?- is it too late to register?- can you shhw us some of the line dances?
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&pdannes? 3 the new year line dance party is today fromm2:00 &pp.m. - 5:00 p... at the toolearn more log on toofox morring.e dot com slash - still toocome.. should yyu &ptake pain medicine before bed.. to revent a headache?we separate hangover cure ffct you're n..-3 watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 ((break 3))
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excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app. 3
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((break 4))3 painttng the ttwn baltimore is celebratinggthe start of the ravens playoff run. tonight on fox 45 newssat five.
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3 after weeks anddweeks of an early morning session, the senate approves a measure on tax increases and ed payne reports...the measure ow goes to the house of representatives. representatives. ---eporter pkg-as follows --at the stroke of midnight, many americans were celebrating and ringing in the new year. butt the mood in washhngton was muchhmore seriouu.vice president joe biden wenttto capitol hill late monday night after senate leaders struckka deal with tte white house. baak intoosession...and arouud 2-a--.. the vote was in."the bill s amended is passed."in an 89-too- vote, the senate ppproved a measure that puts montts and keeps the bush-era tax cuts for individuals earning ess tthn $400,000 and cooples earning less than $450,000. senate majority
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leadee harry reid said their goallwas to protect america's middle class.middle class families will wake up today to tte assuraace that theer taxes pwn't go up 22-hundree dollars cerraiity to plan how they''l payments all during nexx yeer. mcconnell said reeublicans agreed to the measure rather suffer.we don't think taxes should be going up on anyone but we all new that if we did nothing they would be going up house reconvvnes today at noon - and is expecteddto ttke uppthe measure at that time.i'm ed ppyne reporting.. u-s lawmakers allo have to worry about the debt ceiling. the u-s reached its legal boorowing limit of 6-point-4 treasury department is taking measures to buu time until the
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end of februaryy same sex marriage is officially on the books here the authority vesttd in me i 3&pronounce you s cheerrsevvral couples married....cheers 3 cheerspronounce yoo married... s cheersseveral couples married soon after midnight at ballimore's ccty hall.voters legalized the unions n november... and the law went intt effect as soon as the clock struck of the first couples to be legally a long road to get here. ryan wilsoo :44 incue: it was a yoyooutcue: made history in november to allow marriage 3
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equality in the sttte. disttict of columbia have d he3 legalized same-sex marriage. the man who was pushed in front of annoncoming new york city subway train, last weee... is laid to rest. and friends sen on monday.the 46-year-old ied thursday, when police say &ppushed him onto the tracks because of his ethnicity.she is charged wiih murdee as a hatt crime and is undergging a psychiatric evaluation. a boston lawyer says he is working on a settlement with thh staffing aaency that sent david kwiatkowski to new hampshire, where the hospital technician s accused of infecting patientsswitt hepatitis c. kwiatkowski, is accussd of stealing painkillers and rrplacinn them with yringee tainted with his
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own blood. he workkd at johns pardiac catheterization lab from july 2009 to january 2010. in new york and around the porld, people welcooed in 20--3. 5.....4.....3.....2.....1 happyynew year! 3 watch thh crystal-covered ball . drop.thhs year, among the one ton of confetti dropped on the crowd at midnight ere fans' messages to the latt dick clark...longtime host of the celebration who passed away in sinnc many parrnts asleep when the ball ould be - discovery deciied to ring in the new year in their own way. ---------happp new year cheer--- p the interactive museum for kids held a "noontimeenews years upeehero
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specttcular". the favorite ssperheroo while jaaming to music and making noise makers for the big event. and even arents... enjoyed. - pyou know its one of our busiest days of he ear but its also one f our happiest days of the yeerr veryone just comes nddhave a great time i mean its all about just giving eeperience everyone has a great time." time." kids also participaaed in yoga... body art... and a uice and cookies toass. thht brings us to our question looking forward to n 2013?our phoneelines re open now... 410-481-4545. you can also go to foo-baltimmre dot com and tell through facebook or send us a tweee.. at foxbaltiiore. one couple in australia hassa resolution.they''e going tt tio- run 365 marathons ttis year--
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that's one a ddy! day! áágrandparentsáá in their 600s embarked on the run of a lifetime..hey will cover mmrr thhn 9- thuosand mills if they live up to their goal.this isn't their first time n hh 2000 they rrn 55 marathons ii 50 days. if you're nursingga hangover wasting your time.we're o help separating hangoverrcure fact fiction.mmth ##1... tay hydrated: fact. alcohol ccuses behiid theemorning- after feeliig. one of the beet
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haagover is to drink plenty of . water.myth # 22 take pain medicine before bed: fiction. this will not prevent a alcohol in your system. system.myth # 3. eat hile drinkiig: fact. ffoddslows alcohol abborption. fatty foods work best. best.myth # 4. drink caffeinee fictiin. it will wake youuup but won't help you get sobee pny quicker. quickerrmyth # 5. sleep it offf fact. time and rest re some of the beet hangover cures. still to cooe.. the worrd really knows how to ring in the new year. yeer.fireworks nats nats displayssacross the globe.orkss watching foxx45 mrniig news..
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all local.. all orning. ((break 5)) [ telephone rings ] good evening, this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. ((bump in))
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20-13 is here, and it arrived with a baag in major cities around the world. the biggest and brightest e of celebrations, from aussralia tooeurope. europe. 3
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((toss to weather))
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((ad lib meeeorologist))
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nats &pviews on youtube.the most youtube.and... we are wannaaknow... 2013... and we what re you lookinn forward to this year?our phone lines are open now... 410-481-4545. p you're waaching fox 45 morning. &p((break 6)) 3
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p(question of day animation)) the new yeaa is here... and we want to know..... of the day.what are you eetion - nancy- bmorerd tt in 2013??-
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james- "a nee job, and thanking god for the family and friends i have, and nee ones to come." come."lisa- "hopefully, goinn &pback to school." school."jeff- "no more 2012 apocalypse talk." talk."lionel- "a hhalthy successful productive 2013." 2013."kate- "meeting my ssn in march! :)" :)"bob- "graduating from college and starting my ca"
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career!"brandi- "the birth of august." coming up in our 8 o'clook hour.. boot scoot and bbogy into the new year.where you can go today to burn off all those poliday calories... and have fun all at the same time. &ptimeeand next... 012 may e over... but a whole new year is still ahead.what two republican lawmakers hink leggilative ccanggs of 2013. you're watching fox 45 morning. ews.. all local.. all - ((break 7))
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natsbaltiiore rings in another new year. and with ittcomes.. new to avoid thh fiscal cliff. 3 3 happy ewwyear!it's tuesday, january first.... 2013! 3
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3 same sex couples usher in the
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new a newlyweds! newlyweds!starting today... new year's day will have new right to marry. city hall... many gay marriage offically becomes legal in maryland.mayor stephanie rawlings --laae officiated the ceremony or a couple who had been together for 30 years.she says... it was an emotional night. incredibly meaningful night... there are so many people who have a chance now to have the life they've wanted oo them and their famiiy... that we chose equality overrhate. hate. sameesex couples in maryland have been able to get marriaae liccnses since december 6th, bbt they did not eeeffect untii this morniin.
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33 in the eleventh hour.... the senate passes a bill to 89-8 vote. presiddnt n obama says the agreement is ccuntry" as patti ann r browne repoots... now thh legislation moves n to the house where it's future pncertain.certaii..- (pkg) sennte overwhelmingly in favor of leggslation to avert the fiscal cliff. vice president joe biden in a viiit to the capittl mondayy night...explainiig tth paat he negotiatee with senate miiority leader mitch pcconnnll. prior to the vote, the vice president said pe fflt confident about ttee deal but stayed away from making any firm redictions. vice president biden "...having been in the senate as long assi havee there'' two things you shouldn't do: yoo shouldn't predict how the senate's going to vote before they vote -- you won't make a lot of money. and number two: you surely shouldn't predict vote. but i feel very, very good..." if passeddby the house, the deaa would sttp
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spending cuts aimed at the ppntaggn and domestic programs, ttat wereeset to take efffct today.sen. harry &preid / (d-nvv"...i've said al along the most iportant priorrty is to protect middle class families. this cllss faailies ill wake up their taxes won't go up..." &p democratic senator tom harkin suggested the leeissation missed the marr. sen. tom harkin / d-ia)" priority, creating good middle plass jobs now // secondly, this proposal doos not gennrate the revenue necessary forrthe couutry to meet its neees..." republican senate miioritt leader mitch mcconnell says neithee side got everything it wanted.sen. mitch mcconnell (r-ky) / minnrity leader" it took pn imperfect solution to prevent our constituents from very reaa financial pain. bbt innmy view, it wassworth the effort..."(anccor tagg the republican-controlled house is exppcted to begin considering the bill later today. a final vote is &pexpected in the next day or
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two, passaae is not t all certtin. in new york, pattiiann browne, fox neww. it's not just the fiscal to worryyabout the debt ceiling.the u-s reached it's legal borrowing limit of yesterday.the treasury department is taking measures suspending some investments inn workers..ut after that... the treasury will not be able to pay all f the counnryys bblls in full... and on time. congress wouud have to vote on raising the debt ceiling... setttng the stage for another fight on capital hill. old man is dead... after his car crassed into carroll hospital centtr. it haapenedd about 8:15 monday morning. skipper junior suffered a medical emergeecy and crashed his vehiile into thh sleep center at the hospital. skipper was pronounced deed at the hospital merrency room. he as alone in his car nd no one else was injured.the crash
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is under investigation. the man who was pushed inn front of an oncoming new york city subway train last week... is laid to rest.faaily and friends gathered to remember 46-year-old died thursday, when police say 31-year-old erika mennndez pushed him onto the tracks because of his pthnicity.she ii charggd with murder as a hate crrme and is undergoing a ppychiatric evaluation. a georgia woman faaes charges after she alleeedly hit a teenager with her s-u-v over a walmart parking space.angela cornett, was arrested after police say she got iito an girl who was saving a sppt for a riend.cornett claimed she told the teen to move as she puuled into the space, then s-u-v and started yelling.but, police ssy thh wwlmart cornett striikng the girl with "she told her tt move and thhn she pulled into the parking spot and hit herrwith he tire of the vehicle." "they did see scuff marks on thh victim's knee, which was
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consiittnt with the height f phe tire during that incident." incident."the teen wassnot seriously hurt.cornett is harged with issemeanor s reckless conduct. a suspected crook in spokaae, washington... messed with the wrong man! man!corporal alex pohle.. who is a marine ...and his ife returned home from a quick shopping trip to find... the home kicced in.once he entered he home... he caught the handdd.... wiih a gear..ohle... whh just came ear. back after a 7 mooth deppoyment in afghanistaa.... used his marine training... to take the would-be burglarrdown. iiwrestled with hhi a little bit and he got out and as he was runninggi tackled himmand i threw hii to the ground nd uh we wrestled there for a him. when i took him to he - pround, it kinda kicked into putthim in a headlock and, blood chooe and i puttmy knee on his heed, everytting kicked . in.the suspect, who has a
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lengthy criminaa history, faces a chargeeof residential burglary. 3baatimore rings in the new &pyear... in style... and ii sa. safety.bmore fireworks nats natsnew ear's violence has become a tradition here in the city... ut last night... was phankfully a peaceful one. 5.....4.....3.....22....1 yyar!in new york ann around thh world, people welccmed in 20-13.thousands of peepll &pwatch theecrystal-covered bal ddoppthis yyar, among the one crowd at midnight ere fans' e messages to the late dickk ccarr...longtime host of the celebration who passed away in april. pon't just ring in the new move!where yoo ccn get your
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two ssep on ... in your you''e wwtching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bumppout)) ((breek 1))
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you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. don't stop... just keep
8:11 am
hosting an all day line dance p.
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party.tahirrh bowery from now with this mornings eaming - dances will we learn today?-- can yoo showwus some of the line dances? 3dances?
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the new year line ,3dancc part
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p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the creative impulse dance studio. to learn more log on to fox baltimore dot com slash mmrning. 3
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it was quite a the scandal departmenn abuse brought to lighh...and a coverr c-i-a operrtion...wee break own the most scandalous . 3 ((break 2))
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when you have diabetes...
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. [ malewe perfected the pastrami sandwich -- [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt. filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh. ((break 2)) 3
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3 moments f 2012.scandaaous the most we break down operation... and a covert -i-a light... abuse brought tooaffairs, pexual department deeartmentin the scandal was quite a 3 slash morning.baltimore dot com on to fox tooleern more log dance studio.creative pmpulse p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at thh today from :00 daacc party is the new year liie 3 3dances? dances?some of tte line - ccn you show us register?- is it too latt to today?will we hotssot. hometown with this mornings streamiig now impulse is from creative tahirah powerr line daace partyy an aal day keep dancing?doo't stop... jjst p(break 1)) ((bump out)) all morning. news.. ll local.. ox 45 morning you're waaching hotspot.hometown ... in yyur your two step on wherr you can get buut a move! ring in in april.who passed away the celebration longtime host of clark...the late dick fans'
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messages to midnight were on theecrowd at confetti dropped tte one ton of this year, among drop.covered ball in april.the celebration longtime host of clark...the late dick fans' messages to midnight wwre on the crowddat ccnfetti dropped the one ton balllwatch the crystaa-times &psquare to ppople crooded in thousands of in 20-13.people welcomed around the world, in new yyrk and ,3 3 ((break ))3 ((break 2)) 3 ((break 3)) 3 ((break 2))((breaa 2)) 3
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((break 3)) ((bump inn) 3
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it's been an amazing year...when it omes the year briiging to light more details in ssxual abuse case spanning morr han a decade... and uncovering the not o covert psde of the c-i-a. arthel neeille breaks down the scandals of 2012. (nevilll on cam tag) infidelity...abuse...and tax dollars throon ut the
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door...twenty-twelve was full of scandallus headlinesa"aa& with many surpassing names caught in the middle..not even elmo or the head of the c-i-a wwre immune. rom tour-de-fraace to tour de shame! lance armstrong's name issttrrished over dopingg allegations that haunted him for much of hii cyclinn career. he issstrippeddof all 7 titles. hulk hogan gets his hands outside the rinn. his sex tape going viral this &pinfamy. elmo puppetter kevin clash resigning after 28 years, accused of having sex with undeeage boys. and nine-nine-nine... all but forgotten. herman cain ending presidentiall bid...saying cheating rumors former california governor & &parnold schwarzenegger - sure came back - with even more cheating scandala"a& - twi-hards just couldn't get enough of kriittn steeart's rral life trysts. thee22 year old admitted
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geeting too cozzy wiih married direettr rupert sanders. john travolta ubbed the wronn way with a massage scandal of his owna"aa& afterr two male tterapiits file lawsuits claiming sexual assault. and the paparazziigetting, well, up closeeaad personal, with a topless, sunbathing kate middleton.. 2012....nee of the most infamous caaes of sexual abuse. former ppnn state assistant coach jerry sandusky recieves a sentence of at least 30 years innjaal for sexually abusinggyoung boys. he late jimmy savile of the b-b-c accusee of abusing girls he helped with his popular t-v show. and the secreet service gone wild -- as a dozen agents are implicated forrhiring prostituues during a presidential trip to colombia. a difficult year for diion says: "we made a ll..- mistake. i am absolutely responsible." the chiee
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diamond - steps down after allegeddy manipplating interest rates. . and falsifying cademic ing for - the world of politicss -3 illinois congressman jessie jackssnnjunior goes m-i-a for several monthss. it's later discovered he's receiving reatment for bipolar deeression. federal authoriiies are looking into skiiming caapaign funds to remodel his house. the congressman later resigns. a beleaguered g-s-a, accuuee of wasting our tax dollars a"aa& this worker raps about how he dreamssof being he government's money on cash bonuses to his fellow "today's vote is the says: - what bbcame a misguided- and invvstigation during an election year.. and for the first time in history--a sitting attorney general, held in contempt by congrees.. after refusing to release more
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documents inno the botched &poperation "fast and furious." the obama adminntration, scrutiny over a septtmber &pu-s consulate in benghazi, us aabassador to the un it to a spontanneus uprising d aboutta anti-mmslim film. that turred out o be false.. anddnow congressionaa leaders in both parties are demanding answerr. and liiely the moot scandalous incident of the year...thrrwing america's national security into crisis. former c-i-a director david petraeus, steeping down bbographer, paula broadwell. it's later revealed that afghanistan john allen - is "inappropriateecommunication" with socialite jill kelley. but the intermingling doesn't sttp there .. the fbi agent who began this
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himself accused of sending this picture kelley. he later says it was emailed as a yes, 2012 was the year of falling from graceefor manyyof these ersonalities. and in the digittl world we live in, tte question for 22-13 is not so much what the scandal will bee but when wwll itthit, and in new york, i'm arthel neville, fox news. &p violencc rings out in califo. many people werr killed... after gun fire errpts at a new year's eve celebration..ou're watching [ male announcer ] this commercial is not about getting fios, it's about getting fios. that moment after you finally got it that you actually get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes
8:31 am
and you say "woah we are not on cable anymore." when online videos aren't herky jerky, you get it. or when a movie downloads in two minutes, you get it. [ female announcer ] switch to fios internet, tv, and phone for this amazing price online, just $79.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. plus get $300 back. hurry, last chance to get this incredible deal. offer ends january 5th. fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation. and unbeatable picture quality. it's 100% fiber optic, 100% different from cable. so get fios for this incredible price online, just $79.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. plus get $300 back. or get this great price with no annual contract. hurry, this offer ends january 5th. go to call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. and see why millions have switched to america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet -- verizon fios.
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to america's fastest, most consistent, 3 3 3 3-
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3 it's the day... many same see ccuples in maryland have been waiting for! for!they're unions are now
8:34 am city hall... many they ushered in he new year. brigitte ronnett and lisa walther have been together for 22 years.theecouple ettbackk pn 1990... and say they've rights and are very voters. (b) so thrilled we have the &precognntion(l) we appreciaae maryyandd..being able t allow us thii mo mo nineestates and tte district po columbba haveeapproved same-sex marriage. other than samm sex marriage... ther laws lso go into effeet today. today.a ew law to protect chhldren from dentity theft in .... allows parents to freezz their child's redit aa any timm.&time.veterans wwll no have their veteran status ssown n tteir driver's license. bans arsenic in chickennfeed
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to help keep toxins out of the chesapeake bay. p3 in an early morning session, the senate approved a easure cuts.the measure now oes to the house of representatives. representatives.vice president joe biden wwnt to capitol hill late monday niggt after senate leaders struck a deal with the the bush-eea taa cuts for ding - individuals earning less than 400,000 aad couples eerningg llss than 450,000.. middle class famiiies will 22-hundred ollars each. plan hoo they'll pay for y to - groceries, rent, car paammnts aal duringgnext year. &pyyar.ww don't think taxes should be goinggup on anyone but we all knew that if we did onn veryone today. we weren't
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going to let thatthaapen. happen.lawmakers also have to worry about the debt ceiling. the u-s reached its legal borrowing limit of 16-point-4 trillion dollarr monday.the treasuryydepartment is takingg measuree to buy time untii tte end of february. aa wweclosed out 2012 in out... the muuder couut.there compared to 197 in all of 2011. the new ear brings violence in sacramenno, california... where two people were killed 40-ttousand people gaahered in old sacramento for a fireworks shoo... hen gunfire erupted. phe crime scene... and the f midnighttcelebration was word on whatt prompted the shooting... or aa suspeet. secretary of state hillary clinton s expected to make a hospitalized for a blood clot vein n the space between the brain ann the skull behind the
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right ear. clinton's doctors say that to helppddssolve the clot, they are treating hhrr -& she will be rrleased once the meddcation dose has bben stablished. ose has bben they ay greasy food will cure to need a burger this big!ave - check uu the "hangover burger" in weighs with all the fixinns plus word on how much it all costs... but it's probably cheaper to skip all 3 two pppular online games are getting the boot.gaming company ""ynga" says it is ditchhng "petville" and "farmville 2."you have probably seen the games on facebook.the company has struggled financialll and is
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workign to reverse mouuting losses by getting id of less profitabll gamms. 20-12 .. throughhthe len. lens.jonathan hunt ssows us some most incredible, heart-stopping mommntssthat pere caught on camera last year. hunt on cam intro)surveiilance cameras are all aroond recordiig an esttmated 4 billion hoors of footage a week..nd thanks to a growing nummer of americcns armeddwith video-cappuring caught-on-camera ommnts like never beffre.30 &pmillion surveillance cameras ... catching your eveey move. ssabia says: "that was one of in my life."ooe wild police - chase! florida cops try to coolar suupect ridinggaa horse down a buuy road...officers say he was riding, under the shirt, no shoes...and for this guy, definitely no wal-mart shopper, letting it pallá hanggout:in new jersey, &pa toddler put throuuh the pi cycle as tte door loccs and the washee starts.a employee flips a circuit
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breaker, sparinngtte child. &pmos: "i scared the kid die. you know aad then when i pull the kid out."
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crushed.but she's o-k... as pootland'sscoomuuer trains showing some terrifying closee calls...people running across seeonds from contactt.nats oo train ding ding>and a delaware shaveemos says: "she stepped one foot out, and about second like three econds and wiped
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that prompted tte rescue crew rescuee..'re &pwatchinggfox 45 morning news. all local.. all unbelievabll viddo out of rio
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de janeiro.... where a heliiopter ii seen crashing into the ocean... just inches near swimmers.the fire department chopper withhthree resccers onboard... was flying back to shore... after gone too far out to sea.. who h sea.but then... the rescuerr.... addto be ressued helicopper blades eemed to spptter and falter.the fourr passengers suffered minor injuries. ((toss to weather))
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((aadlib meteorologist))
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top? find out thh youtube video.. that had the most clickk in're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ((break 6)) 3 ((break 6))((break 6)) 33
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8:58 am
8:59 am
((break 7)) 3 ((break 8)) 3 3 ((breakk7)) 3 &p3 3 3 & 3 3


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